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Child of God
3rd December 1991
17 going on 18
Yio Chu Kang Chapel Kindergarden
Maris Stella High School
Temasek Junior College
Chapel of The Holy Spirit


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009


Abigail Han
Carissa-Ann Fan
Chu Wen
Jina Chun
Leon Oh

Muhammad Bin Roslee
Phay Key
Tiong Wei


Aletico de Madrid
Cathay Photo PTE LTD
Manchester United
My youtube
TeeShop (GOGO!)

2009 Planner

Meet the Parkers
Class BBQ at my place
CNY School Celebration
Pot luck at P Gerald's
Start of orientation(J1s)
End of orientation(J1s)
Road Run
TJ Soccer Friendly
NS registration deadline
A-Levels Chinese(H1) Results
Man Utd VS Inter Milan
Start of MCTs
End of MCTs
A-Division Soccer (vs SAJC)
TJC Sports Day
A-Division Soccer (vs MI)
A-Division Soccer (vs HCI)
Water Baptism
A-Division Soccer (vs TPJC)
Pre-enlistment Medical Screening
NS Medical Review
Arsenal VS Man Utd
Church Soccer Friendly (vs COR)
TJ Choir Concert
CIP at National Library
Playmax final briefing
Start of Playmax
End of Playmax
Start of JCTs
End of JCTs
Class Steamboat
Confirmation Class
Church Confirmation Service


Saturday, January 31, 2009

what a busy day. but things are getting back to normal. at least from now? played in the friendly game this morning. though i think my performance seriously needs more practice plus i have to learn how to execute finishing touches. ): though i was caught offside, but i still missed the goal anyway. damn! ohwell... the score's 1-1. not a bad game. we were good defensively. i thought i could have contributed much more than what i did. it's over. yup... give me a few days and i won't broad over it no more.

and mat still hasn't send me the photos taken during our cg's lohei session at the marquee ytd. it was really good. hahaha. as in the experience and all. yup! i noe i got the highest! as in for tossing. lol.. though i didn't let go at the high point lah.. i slowly descended. hahahaha! alright so school's out for these two days. but there's no such thing as taking a break from studying right?

i think i should go print photos soon. those nicer ones taken during cny. yup! (: and i can't deposit $2 notes into the atm machine.. grrr.. so annoying! hahaha.. if banks can make depositing coins possible, why not just one machine at every branch just for $2 and $5 notes? hahaha. since i've so many. anyone interested?? yahyah to change not to keep for me. >.<

and so what's wrong with the weather? hot hot hot! cloudy but rainy-less. it's getting disgusting, scarying and worrying. is it going to happen soon? give us more time..

ROY at 5:36 PM

Thursday, January 29, 2009

pe today wasn't much of a surprise or anything.. running but slighly more than the last time we ran. however, the aching from ytd's trg really didn't make the run comfortable. the weather's been fairly good after bathing. yup the usual bathing sessions after pe. to be honest, we've improved! as in our bathing speed. 2 shifts and we are still got abt 7mins left before lecture starts. hahaha! got our drink (really needed!) and then lectures.. tried hard to pay attention. really. (: of cos since it was monday's timetable, had our 4 periods of freedom-ness. errs.. which i spent the time in the library. WOW! did some tutorial, cos was needed for lessons. then had like last 20mins of laughter watching some super lame video. CHARLIE. okayokay.. wdv, however, lame we can get. we still enjoyed the laughing. yay!! errs.. library was "good" hahaha! anyway 2 periods of gp came. quekquek came back to relief for mrs ho. pretty interesting and fun lesson. though the disturbing is still on. but i like. the only sad thing is that school ended late. haii... 5.30pm. slacked in sch for awhile before leaving wif sendy and mat. and we had this stupid lame and childish commotion at tamp mrt. hahaha! was damn funny. then now.. i'm back home. feeling tired from ytd and today. so should i sleep early? ooh shut up!!

ROY at 9:49 PM

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

all tired out and all... soccer training has been pretty much good i guess? played a whole field game. centre midfield. don't mind this position also. hahaha! however, my right ankle still abit pain here and there. grrr.. and it's getting really annoying. ): i'm super duber tired.. so i shall see how much more i can take it.. before really needing to drop flat on my bed! :

ROY at 10:25 PM

Monday, January 26, 2009

chinese new year day 1. nothing much except the same usual and annual routine? errs... yah, nothing extraordinary happened. i guess this year, the money really isn't all that is important to me? the only important thing about the money collected is... to use it wisely and how to keep it properly and safely. bank u mean? well... if it's 100% safe?

nowadays... i feel that things aren't becoming what it's suppose to be u know? okay wait this isn't part of the cny topic, just another random topic. you know at the end of the day, i come to think of whether certain people are actually destined for me to know them? on the other hand, those i used to hold so dear, now seems so far away. whywhy? i really have no idea. all i know is that perhaps all these have been installed for me the day i'm born. just that i haven't realise the purpose behind it yet? should it be mixing people of ur personality? or having a mixture of it? whassup wif the popularity? wassup wif getting the latest gadgets, trends or whatsoever? at the end of the day, when u don't even noe the purpose u're here, it's all down to nothing. grrr.. alright i'm not emo. just certain reflection.

studying isn't up to the standard i ought to be putting in. which is really disappointing. like all the motivation and all are gone already. how sad... ): ohwell, nobody to blame, except... myself? the hectic life nvr seem to have an end you know? after studying, army, then back to studying. so what if u have studied so hard, yah.. the qualifications u deserve. but u still gotta work hard after that.. just for money, just to live on, just to show what u've got? hmm... this concept gotta change. add some meaning to my life perhaps! and i know how...


ROY at 10:22 PM

Saturday, January 24, 2009


ROY at 9:48 PM

Friday, January 23, 2009

today was mega slack day in school. except the weather make it as though we had 5 periods worth of pe! grrr... so freaking hot lah. the dunking machine quite funny, but not as entertaining as last year. ohwell. left at 12.30pm SHARP! mum came to fetch me. then went home to get change and then met up wif yx in town. opps! i was late. hahaha.. lunch and starbucks. then walked around while i shared wif her some stuffs. tonight will be a boring one! i think? so maybe i shall think of ways to make it better! hahaha!

ROY at 8:51 PM

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the funniest part of school today was contact time. that's about all. the rest are insignificant i guess. grrr... i mixed up physics tutorial wif physics lecture today. but luckily the teacher didn't check my work. training today was kinda fun.. just ran 2.4km. pretty slack in a way? and i'm really confused wif certain stuffs..
if only jumping make ur thoughts fall off...

ROY at 10:17 PM

Monday, January 19, 2009

the CD is turning old... when the tracks start to stutter, songs are messy. the signal of time flying by? ohwell.. but i will continue listening to the tune. the tune... it goess... ...

school today was kinda interesting, especially during GP.. mrs ho really know how to make it really fun. errs.. got some videos but not gonna make it public i guess? it's our class' fun! woohoo! cheers.. mon is settled! wow! a long day, really. lessons all ended 5.30pm. but there are these 4 periods free which i really used it to complete my work. well sorta of. though i spent the last 20mins reading.. and got really inspired and lifted. my friends said i was high today. i thought it was the coffee i drank this morning. but nope! it's the joy i'm experiencing. although i came to school wif a slightly heavy hear, a sense of unbelonging and reluctance. monday still turned up not too bad i guess. went for soccer trg, for like about an hour only. grrrr.... and some students were involved in setting up a space in the middle of the field for the fiesta thingy or wdv, so trg wasn't that effective. though i really enjoyed the long balls! like what mr lee said, it brings up confidence. yup it certainly did! (:

mr lee oso told us jovian is back at home. which is really good news! hahaha.. which means he's on the run of recovering! God bless our soccer captain! (: okay hopefully tmrw will be a good or at least an average school day. hmm...

saw during lect and lib. (:

JOHN 20:29
Jesus said to him, "Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."

ROY at 10:53 PM

Sunday, January 18, 2009

i'm happy cos i went to church today! for main service and like 1hr of youth cos i had to come home to do some work. which really was SOME... hahaha! so maybe a mad rush of working-mania tonight. till don't know what time lah.. thankfully, school's starting slightly later tmrw! cos of go green day. played soccer after church oso, which was pretty fun, except we didn't have enough ppl to play full field. hahaha! my team lost to nelson's lah.. when we played using cones.. grr... ): heehee, nah fair compeition. though i'm not sure how others will see it cos nelson is both my competitor and referee. hahahaha! >.<
another school week will begin tmrw morning. grrr! i don't really noe if i'm actually looking forward to it yeah? especially lectures! hahaha! it's a long day tmrw, wif like 4 break periods in a row. cos of the cancelled econs lesson, which is changed to wed, alvin's freaking 2 periods of chinese and the h1 ppl. so yah... 2 periods of gp tmrw! hopefully it will be entertaining!
messaged jovian today, he's feeling better now, except that the wound is hurting. so yup! hopefully he will have a speedy recovery! (: there will be training tmrw i guess.. so not sure if we're going to visit him or anything. but yup, meantime i gotta get my head into work. PRESERVERANCE! i hope i won't be feeling too tired! but i just drank milo, no effect but I LIKE.. hahaha! (in bold due to inside joke) okay time to resume.... ..... ....

ROY at 9:19 PM

Saturday, January 17, 2009

okay.. how lame can we get? the fallen sign post can just make us do smth about it.. LOL! cos we were waiting wif sendy for the shoes collectors to come. hmm... today was go green day, and my group consisting of cheng, alvin, sendy, kaiyang, chuwen, eewen and shanmin really did our two blocks real fast. hahaha! we were fast seh! then later we just sat around the void deck and chatted wif our new cg tutor mrs ho. went for lunch tgt wif the entire cg, well almost, at a nearby coffeeshop. not too bad i guess? errs.. then headed home after that lor.. cos was early to meet the soccer guys to visit jovian. but i ended up latest in meeting them.
went to visit jovian (our soccer cpt) at changi gen hospital, was really sad to see him in such a state.. fractured and dislocated his arm. ): hopefully he gets well soon!! and that he put this freak training accident behind him lah.. if i've the time, i probably pay him another visit i guess, maybe we some of the other friends. jovian is my first PAE friend!! so yup.. get well soon!
i need to complete my GP!! )):

ROY at 10:09 PM

Thursday, January 15, 2009

i think i already got over it! yes i seriously do. hahaha! oh& manchester united beat wigan this early morning! (: that means manu is within 2 points of liverpool with a game in hand! muhahahaha! okay lastly, the are second place now, ahead of chelsea! (:
school's been rather funny today! like a joker somewhat. hahaha! sendy's jacket is cool. can zip all the way up to the hoodie.. then i acted like some white ninja.. maybe i should take a photo. hahaha.. plus the free periods we had today, were boring but funny at the same time. cos we just do stupid stuffs to entertain each other. yay! tmrw's kinda the slackest? okay it is.. end lessons by 11.40am. how early is that? though it's only 12.30pm then we are allowed to leave the school's premises. hmm... that's super dumb lah.. plus there's soccer training at 4pm. so maybe must think of what to do during the free time. mug? shall see lah... :\ tmrw the only 'what-seems-to-be-boring' thing is the 2 periods of gp my cg will be having. alright, maybe not boring to others, but looks boring to me. hopefully the teacher can spice things up a little? hahaha!
i need to complete my gp hol hw now.. grrr... i don't like sia! thank God for music to keep me awake! bye.. oh time to link ppl too i guess..

ROY at 9:14 PM

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

it's just 3 days into the new school era and i'm already feeling all tired and all. today's training wasn't that bad, but wasn't that good either lah.. passings and crossings were all shit. ): did trials wif the potential appealing j1s.. hmm. and lots of hw to be completed tonight. math, physics, chem and econs. so yah... will make this short i guess.
sometimes it makes me wonder that, perhaps it's becos the community is big, so bonding really is an issue? unlike when there's a smaller community, bonding is effecting. fast too! haii... i need motivation, real geniuine one. :/
I give thanks to the Lord, my God!

ROY at 8:49 PM

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

school hasn't been much of fun lately... ohwell, it's just two days into the new school era for 2009. so hopefully more interesting and GOOD stuffs will come soon. hmm... hols hw aren't completed, so i gtg do like real soon. hahaha.. not so much of hol hw anymore year? tmrw's kinda special in a way that tj will be having tue's timetable instead of wed's. hahaha.. not a very long day but then there's last two periods of physics prac and later soccer training. hopefully these two won't be too much of a bore? hahaha! maybe i should talk more about what happened in school today.
there were just two periods of lectures.. but it was really boring and nothine went in. >.< math first followed by econs. the amazing thing was that i didn't pon any of the lectures? everyone's going... "j2 alr still wanna pon lect" but well.. i ain't sure if i'm gonna tell myself that they won't pon a single one through this year? hahahaha! 10am was the start of tj openhouse? errs... quite a turn-up i guess? like towards the middle part. those soccer has really bad reception. except for the bunch of guys whom played soccer wif the team.. i played for awhile but the sun was scorching.. not nice! the thought of having to wake up early tmrw morning to go for school just turn me off.. i don't like. ): coffee isn't working for me in the morning! it just make me feel really tired in the evening.. and made me too high in sch? kinda i guess. hahaha! oh i played volleyball and floorball for the first time today? like really play kinda thing. hmm...
i didn't attend main service for two weeks already and i'm kinda missing church! ): plus missing youth last sun wasn't that good for me. cos i don't like. hahaha! so yup... hopefully all goes well and sun will come soon. cheers!

ROY at 7:45 PM

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Roy & Javier

Roy NOT bullying Nigel
Cheryl, Roy & Nigel
Once upon a time...
this bunch of wonderful people occupied this children's paradise...
Played everything from catching to blind (man bluff, mice, catch)
Then comes TIME... which started making life busier... busier...
Luckily... We only leave behind the fond memories and taking sweet memories away.
If we had a choice... Will we choose to go back to those days?
Or just remembering them will be good enough?
IS LOVED... ((:

tonight was good... met the oldies up. hahaha. kkk old friends yup! javier was late, debby later. but nvrmind.. javier suck at blindman.. like seriously.. he doesn't know the tactics.. though the rest of us are what seemingly too big to use it. hahaha! anyway i wish for more of these sessions. it's fun, great, enjoyable and FULL!! hahaha.. errs.. in terms of stomach? lol! cheers!!


ROY at 11:59 PM

Friday, January 9, 2009

this is seriously insane! cristiano ronaldo crashed his ferrari that badly! thank God he escaped without any injury at all.. tough guy. hahaha! anyway this is just one of his money car jewels...

2 more days to the start of my 2009 school life. what a year it will be... wait i wouldn't know yet. hahaha! so just hope that i will have a really good start to the year and sustain/improve as the days go bye. yup!
my cousin alex cheng has begun his journey in the army. hahaha! hopefully things will go well for him in there. and who knows, he will enjoy it. (:
i won't post such a long one now.. gotta get some sleep already. (:
what i have left now... physics, gp and econs. chem is almost as well as math. hahaha! ohman judging by it i haven't really completed anything. grr.. it's okay 2 more days! (:

ROY at 11:59 PM

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

alright... haven't been updating for some time, since the new year. hahaha. anyway here's one tonight. ytd was nice actually. went to play futsal at 10pm wif my cousin, andrew. hahaha.. then went lorong 9 to makan beef kuay teow.. nice! (: errs.. passing ytd was crap. yah... ):
anyway there will be soccer training tmrw in school. cannot wait! hopefully my fitness will be getting back in shape. hmm... some people really do ought to shut the fuck up. i won't go into details on what he/she/they said, but seriously... it's nothing big if you get it. -.-" haven't been doing work lately, been caught up wif fm2009. shit! i'll try my best to pull myself back into the mugging mood.. grrr.. econs project not completed and school's starting next monday! damn! i don't like. i now hope the entire school year will soon go by. yup! packed week this week, super sian. but no choice.. tmrw probably meeting mat to buy his bag and see my mini lappy. hahaha!

ROY at 11:32 PM

Thursday, January 1, 2009

wow! wow! wow! the 2008 year has gone by. now it's 2009! the first time i celebrated/welcomed the new year in church! hahaha! really feel happy you all know! cool. i like this feeling. hahaha.. after church, went to eat supper wif people of chs. hahaha.. despite the age, i don't feel left out at all, during conversations and all.. which is super duber cool. seriously! (: God's bringing me closer to them as the week go by. so what have i got to say!? THANK YOU LORD! ((: many people will be busy writing new year resolutions, so i'm gonna do that. though just briefly. afterall, it's not that convenient typing what i truely want! hahaha..

yes indeed, it's a crucial year this year, wif alevels being my final year examination. after which, i've to tackle ns, but i will leave it for later to be bothered about it. hahaha! so studying hard will be my top piority i guess? hmm... yeah. i guess i'll have to work doubly hard! grrr... though the forgetfulness of my jc1 stuffs are already starting to make me worry. hahaha!

school's resuming on the 12th, then 2 weeks later i will be celebrating chinese new year! cool.... so family reunion is what i will pray for. that everyone remains in the pink of health! yup! i love it. (: red packets won't be my main target this year, not the last year's though... hahaha! cos there's more to life than just money right? yay!

plus i aim to get baptise this year! say april? cos according to andrew korkor, there's a baptism held during this month.. so yup! praise be to God! hopefully i can accomplish this! then i guess, the rest will fall in place. hahaha! nice!

i won't wanna waste too much time writing this... but that's mainly my idea i guess? ooh i oso wanna go mission trip! hahaha! but i guess that will have to be after my alevels! oooh!! last but not least, i can't wait for my birthday this year, cos i think i can learn how to drive car! (: woohoo...

ROY at 2:59 AM

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