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Child of God
3rd December 1991
17 going on 18
Yio Chu Kang Chapel Kindergarden
Maris Stella High School
Temasek Junior College
Chapel of The Holy Spirit


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009


Abigail Han
Carissa-Ann Fan
Chu Wen
Jina Chun
Leon Oh

Muhammad Bin Roslee
Phay Key
Tiong Wei


Aletico de Madrid
Cathay Photo PTE LTD
Manchester United
My youtube
TeeShop (GOGO!)

2009 Planner

Meet the Parkers
Class BBQ at my place
CNY School Celebration
Pot luck at P Gerald's
Start of orientation(J1s)
End of orientation(J1s)
Road Run
TJ Soccer Friendly
NS registration deadline
A-Levels Chinese(H1) Results
Man Utd VS Inter Milan
Start of MCTs
End of MCTs
A-Division Soccer (vs SAJC)
TJC Sports Day
A-Division Soccer (vs MI)
A-Division Soccer (vs HCI)
Water Baptism
A-Division Soccer (vs TPJC)
Pre-enlistment Medical Screening
NS Medical Review
Arsenal VS Man Utd
Church Soccer Friendly (vs COR)
TJ Choir Concert
CIP at National Library
Playmax final briefing
Start of Playmax
End of Playmax
Start of JCTs
End of JCTs
Class Steamboat
Confirmation Class
Church Confirmation Service


Sunday, March 29, 2009

i think this bag is nice!!! okay imagine it navy blue perhaps? hahaha.. i didn't bother checking the price though.. ):

lol.. this is funny! obama look-alike.. from indonesia.. hahahaha!

ROY at 11:40 PM

Saturday, March 28, 2009

chatted wif this MORON online till like about 3am this morning!
lol! u probably be reading this now... but who cares? :P
who doesn't know what's a left-footed??
plus of all ppl, she go and ask a soccer player. how dumb...
hahahaha! anyway life's been pretty much back to normal,
after that high-fever night which struck me.
not sure how to day will go on today,
not within my means to predict.
all i can say is that books and worksheets will be untouched.
at least for this moment in time.
MCTs are so called over i guess...
though like i always say, the results are the real tensed up moments!
&& i'm sick and tired of being cooped by at home.
so i shall go out, which i will be. but yup..
if the mood is right, probably with my camera.
anyway, the weather's scorching this morning!
so if it rains later, it's seriously imbalance.
been FM-ing like all day long,
seriously no life kid man! sigh...
anyway i guess lunch will be out wif family.

IT'S EARTH MAMA's DAY today. Celebration starts at 8.30pm for SINGAPORE! so see you all then...

ROY at 12:13 PM

Saturday, March 21, 2009

MCTs ): are seriously screwing up my life.
I can't imagine what it will be like during A Level period.
With so many commitments, how to accomplish?
At the end of the day, I'll just find myself doing everything halfway.
If only burdens can be shared among people.
&& I mean studying burden.
Well sharing it between your teacher and you isn't counted.
Neither can you share it with your friends, because they are equally 'burdenised'.
I listen to songs and do my work, but I end up singing along.
The foolscap remains blank, my sister can just take it and use.
So i shut iTunes. ):
I'm unsure of that to concentrate over this weekend.
It's only two days and as I type, it's less than 2 days.
I thought weekends are meant for resting?
Where's the 5-day school system? ):
OHLALALALALA! This is mad.
When adults say enjoy your studying life,
because next time worklife will be worst.
I tell you, it's equally as bad lah.
There's no such thing as good life.
Even the richest faggot will have his/her problems.
HEE! I'm not emo so relax.
I just need to rant my thoughts out yup! :
Hope this period ends soon.
Although I should be expecting for more to come!

ROY at 1:05 PM

Friday, March 20, 2009

went back to school today for mega awesome boring physics make-up.. she told us to bring last year's march progress test paper to go through so little.. grrr.. well at least the library was open today. so went there to do an hour or two worth of work. (: rather good because it was total silence, except for some little noises here and there. but it was fine. yup! after that went to tampines mall for swensens-ing with 17/08 ppl. not everyone went lah.. duh! 9 of us did. wif audrey as calefare. hahaha! mat, sendy, alvin, lenny, eewen, angelina, chuwen, audrey and i. guess it was pretty alright? cos there was laughter, ultimate lame-ness, loser-ness and poser-ness by alvin. he simply just keep copying what ppl say and say after them. :P ooh and the free flow of drinks was quite funny. cos they don't refill for u, they just bring more cups of whatever drinks you ordered to you. so the table was like quite cup-pish. well it was a dutch lunch and after that went to starbucks to mug. not everyone.. only sendy, audrey, mat and i did.. mat leon oh there too.. solo chiongster! hahahaha! just kidding. (: left at 7pm wif mat. the other two left earlier.. went to see shoes. but nvr buy.. see see only lah. hahaha! now back home, weekends are cmg. and soon over i bet. && the start of MCTs. grrrr! first day i scared!! after that can relax abit. not that i'm pro, but just that i really suck at the first day's papers! ): someone wish me abundance luck. :

UEFA CHAMPIONS LEAGUE DRAW is out. didn't catch it live. but that's not important. i guess man utd has been drawn against the easiest of the lot? unless u feel that villarreal is lousier than porto. well.. afterall porto did knock man utd out of the champions league few seasons back. hahaha! but i hope this different man utd side (very much stronger!!) can do what they are capable of!! QUINTABLE! (: wait a min, i didn't get the spelling right yeah? who cares......

anyway whenever i see them. it's a different thing totally already. becos what i feel now is the feeling of being used secretly, in a way not directly for their benefits but probably satisfaction. mockery satisfaction. sad as it is but too bad for me i guess... move on yup!

Thank You for telling me

That best friends cannot be trusted...

ROY at 8:59 PM

Thursday, March 19, 2009

乘著風 遊蕩在藍天邊

ROY at 2:00 PM

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

weather was really hot this afternoon with zero rain. well i can say like finally. went for soccer training today, was tiring. ): standard dropped recently i guess, well... and with MCTs looming, training for j2 has been put to stop till next friday. a long break, too long for comfort because the following week will be the official start of our competition. anyway overall i guess training was alright.
did a bit of work before training. cos woke up later than my alarm clock did. grrr.. but well... i guess today was more productive than any other days lah. hopefully can kick start the momentum for tonight. but i think i will wanna relax too. : i really cannot wait for MCTs to end lah! next whole week will be filled with exams! and of all days, i really cannot stand monday, as usual.. cos there will be two papers! plus both subjects are the ones failin my jc2 life.. hahaha!

if only i can put those moments on repeat,
like the song which reminds me how sweet.
when clouds join together, can i expect a sunny day?

ROY at 10:05 PM

Monday, March 16, 2009

Compared to the Lord my God (:

The first official day of the holidays! Didn't train today. Heard that those who didn't go will get into trouble because attendance was poor today. Anyway tomorrow will have to go back to school for chemistry make-up tutorials. Then most probably staying for the remedial lesson after that since it's a recap lesson on past topics. Hopefully it will be useful.
Muhammad came for a few hours this morning. Hmm... Not sure how much i did then, but i am still lagging behind. It's not just a bit, but by a lot. Getting panicky but still the sense of urgency do not overcome me. ): Hopefully I will just keep wanting to study, study, study, none stop. MCTs are just next week, with GP and Economics the first two papers! Economics is real worrying man! Gosh... Anyway got to get back to work, till the time to sleep comes. Which i think will be pretty soon because I'm feeling tired already. Grrrr... But if i can hang on I will. :

I have really learnt in life that thinking twice in certain situations, isn't enough. More is required. Well... To be honest, nobody will know what I'm referring to here. Next time, when u're fixed on doing something, stick to what you know, what you are here for and what they expect of you to do. Because at the end of the day, when you think you're not in the right place, other places may be far worst. ): Well, since now i'm stucked, I will have to fight on, much so bitterly.

ROY at 9:57 PM

Sunday, March 15, 2009

You thought it was a beautiful day
Not until the stormy rain say
Expecting a rainbow
The skies just remained so
But I say it's a beautiful day with you beside me.

ROY at 11:22 AM

Friday, March 13, 2009

March Holidays will begin next monday...

March Common Tests will begin the following monday...

I gazed upon the night skies.

But i see no stars..

I played the song on repeat...

Anyway, tomorrow's there's a soccer game for those interested (I know none will be), actually two games.

National Junior College V.S Temasek Junior College (8 a.m Girls)

National Junior College V.S Temasek Junior College (9.40 a.m Boys)

School's been a bore today. 2 periods of GP became our free period. well, it's just for this week only. hmm.. spent time in the library but not efficient lah. haii.. quite disappointed.

ROY at 10:57 PM

Thursday, March 12, 2009

(Man Utd are through 2-0 on aggregate)


ROY at 10:25 PM

Monday, March 9, 2009

I officially wanna create a group called A.B.C!!! hahaha.. it's simply Anti B.O.B Clan. membership is free. only requires geniune hatred and disgust. plus some sort of agreement to shut up and of course honesty. hahaha! anyone childs? hmm... seriously, things i've so called heard today in school, was too damn disgusting. and it makes me boil. like seriously.. gosh! why will i know such people.. annoying!
anyway shall talk more about school today. morning assembly was funny. apart from the make-my-hair-serdiya (wdv the spelling is) sc nominees, the part when the vp went up, made his announcements and nvr said anything else when the j2 corhort was expecting half day due to the good results obtained by our j3 seniors, everyone went 'walau... sian..' hahaha! but when our principal came up. everyone started clapping expecting the expected. was quite a funny moment. so school ended 10am. had stupid, annoying, lame, sweaty and boring pe lesson. as usual, monday first periods are usually the worst of the week. hahaha! >.<

ROY at 8:57 PM

Sunday, March 8, 2009

didn't catch this game LIVE on tv ytd night. was tired, but it's okay. cos i received good news this morning! Fulham 0 Manchester United 4. hahaha.. 2 goals from tevez, rooney and park settled the scoreline. hahaha! however, rio ferdinand has picked up an ankle injury. grrr.. hopefully he will recover before the manu-inter game during midweek! cheers!

"Will you be the one making me stand tall above the rest?"

"When it's in a mess, who can sort it out?"

"will i have the spotlight from you?"

woke up early this morning. wasn't in the books mood so decided to go take a morning stroll wif my camera. hahaha! okayokay i seriously took random photos of anything that catches my eye. hmm... of cos i noe i've alot to learn, but aiya.. just to kill time before heading to church! well.. hopefully today will be somewhat productive. (: guess i'll keep it short.

ROY at 9:16 AM

Saturday, March 7, 2009

I thought I had the chance. But I guess I will forget it? I don't want to disturb. :

ROY at 11:59 PM

Friday, March 6, 2009

Disappointed at how things are going...

Is this what 'missing' feels like?
school wasn't that bad actually. because the 2 periods of gp just went by so quickly, when we were all writing our own essays. finally came the last lecture of the day and that's it. school's over for this week.

something told me,
roy you're sensitive to the things happening around you. even the slightest of everything can change your entire mood drastically. nope it's not mood swing but just a little sign of weirdness and weakness in yourself.

okay suddenly i'm quite lost at what to do. like what should i start on next. Alevel results are out today and my cousin did really well. errs.. 3As? what else can anyone ask for? GOOD JOB!! (: hmm.. i happened to chance upon this mv just now on mtv. the entire storyline made me go "LOL!". well.. nothing personal, i thought it was just another predictable mv as usual. hmm..
okay what next? i told myself to stop because i cannot and do not have the points. i may even end up ruining *life.

ROY at 9:17 PM

Thursday, March 5, 2009

i don't like chem mock spa leh...

ROY at 7:58 PM

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Shall make things short for tonight, because it's gonna get really busy...
school was pretty good.
mass civics was funny!
contact time was important.
soccer training was actually rather boring, but then it's still important.
really wanna thank God for the pleasant weather. the clouds were super duber grey for one period, but prayers really helped!! ((:
chem mock spa tmrw. ): so i gotta like juggle physics tut, econs tut and chem mock spa revision. grrr!
alright off for a good shower then shall start! hee!

&& what if every sight, reply and contact makes me fall deeper? && what if it all crashes down, all for nothing? will i be able to withstand such stuffs? :

God's love cannot be explained - it can only be experienced. ((: (mega max!)

ROY at 9:02 PM

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

econs test was a torture today! because i have to really force myself to crap something out lah! ohman! ): can someone please push me to study econs! pleasepleaseplease!! my nose's conjested luh! like seriously. sniffy and sneezy through the day! ): i hate having flu. plus there was sports heats after sch. which i have to wait like super long for it! u see, the annoying part is this. i ended sch at like 2pm (10mins earlier then usual), and the sports heat started at 5pm. of cos there was delay and stuff so started even later. hahaha.. okay the main point of the run is that 100m, took say less than 15sec max for completion?! ohlalala! anyway i stayed on after that, slacked around in sch wif dasuki till abt 7pm before leaving for home!
let me share wif you my encounter. i alighted at compasspoint, went to precious tots to get myself a new cd album by paul baloche. then i wanted to look for my 'everyday with jesus'. but they don't have. so i was quite disappointed until i came home. cos i'm lagging by 3 days alr. ): however, to my surprise and happiness, the issue of daily bread has arrived. i still remember that i thought i lost the subscription form, and nvr send the letter to them. but it has come!!! i was super glad lah.. cos i can get back to my daily reading. YAY! (: seesee! praise be to God! hahaha.. i can save time gng down to tamp/simei (these two places are my norm christ shopping areas). woohoo! cool... anyway soccer training tmrw, but i have to think twice about trg, cos my nose is still congested. anyway bathing time... (:

hello companion!

ROY at 9:34 PM

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