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Child of God
3rd December 1991
17 going on 18
Yio Chu Kang Chapel Kindergarden
Maris Stella High School
Temasek Junior College
Chapel of The Holy Spirit


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009


Abigail Han
Carissa-Ann Fan
Chu Wen
Jina Chun
Leon Oh

Muhammad Bin Roslee
Phay Key
Tiong Wei


Aletico de Madrid
Cathay Photo PTE LTD
Manchester United
My youtube
TeeShop (GOGO!)

2009 Planner

Meet the Parkers
Class BBQ at my place
CNY School Celebration
Pot luck at P Gerald's
Start of orientation(J1s)
End of orientation(J1s)
Road Run
TJ Soccer Friendly
NS registration deadline
A-Levels Chinese(H1) Results
Man Utd VS Inter Milan
Start of MCTs
End of MCTs
A-Division Soccer (vs SAJC)
TJC Sports Day
A-Division Soccer (vs MI)
A-Division Soccer (vs HCI)
Water Baptism
A-Division Soccer (vs TPJC)
Pre-enlistment Medical Screening
NS Medical Review
Arsenal VS Man Utd
Church Soccer Friendly (vs COR)
TJ Choir Concert
CIP at National Library
Playmax final briefing
Start of Playmax
End of Playmax
Start of JCTs
End of JCTs
Class Steamboat
Confirmation Class
Church Confirmation Service


Saturday, February 28, 2009


## 朦朧的時間 我們溜了多遠
冰刀劃的圈 圈起了誰改變
如果再重來 會不會稍嫌狼狽
愛是不是不開口才珍貴 ##

** 再給我兩分鐘
不是因為在乎 **

what does silence mean?
Today has just been like any other saturday. partial boring, partial slacking and partial peaceful. church tmrw. which means the end of the weekends also. as i anticipate/look forward to another week of reluctance going to school. well... to be honest it hasn't been that bad lately. but the sad thing is that i'll have to meet ppl who are not being themselves, and i meant it in a bad way. wet night now, but the rain has stopped as far as this post go. hopefully it will rain later, when i'm going to turn in to bed. (: cos i enjoy rainy nights. well... don't ask me why. :
the days are going up. it's now day3 already. but i haven't really sort out what i really think of doing. everything just seemed so quiet. eerie but true. well... people say it's like this, others have no comments. but i'm just scared... scared of what? i'm not really sure, but yes it does get annoying and tiring. the worse part is that there's no stop. wow! -.-" i've got lots of support, it feels great. but support is just one thing lah.. well.. guess like what everyone says, let nature takes its course. but there are others who also said, you don't know unless you try. so yah.. what dilemma. grrr! i don't love you at all! >.<

ROY at 11:06 PM

Friday, February 27, 2009

If you are allowed to stop time and go back to where you want to restart again, which part of your life will it be..........?

i guess school's been alright today? though i feel really sad that a friday has just gone by, so quickly. i mean this is my shortest day of the week! but yeah.. kinda wasted it. but well.. went to eat at 18chefs wif alvin, shanmin, chuwen, angelina and eewen after school, when the gate has finally opened. angelina and eewen left early so it was the remaining 4 of us. talked quite alot! hahaha! guess it was pretty enjoyable. great company. went back to sch wif shanmin and chuwen, had trg. all ended pretty smoothly. though my lower calf has a bit of pain while working out. went to eat wif theen yew and phay key opposite sch. set off back home abt 8pm. but reached home at 9.15pm. hahaha.. the bus today was exceptionally crowded, but it was a lonesome one. : feeling tired and all, made it so uncomfortable. guess that's part of life.....

the stars today aren't as bright
cause i believe, cause i believe
this lonesome feeling has brought some fright
cause i believe, cause i believe
when she's sitting beside me

ROY at 10:00 PM

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Temasek Junior College 1 - 5 Saint Andrews Junior College

): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ): ):

thank God for a friend at least... (:

ROY at 11:56 PM

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Today, I thank God for...
1. The friends I have made in school (which made school less hated!)
2. Time in which I can make use to do things I want to do.
3. The 2 double-choc cookie I ate in the library.
4. The smooth going physics SPA I had during the last 2 periods of the day.
5. The lunch I had with Alvin, Muhammad and Sendy.
6. The talking-to people such as Chuwen and Dickson.
7. The peaceful bus ride home although it was all alone. (:
school's been rather smooth today. Praise be to God! (: started off with chem then math. which was pretty alright. no sleepyheaded-ness today. nvr pon any lessons/lectures! although sendy and i had to go to the other end of lt1 to get our seats. hahaha.. but it's okay. physics prac was pretty good. compared to mock spa i had last week which was an absolute blunder, OHNOMY! (: i just did my NS thingy which was super retarded i tell you.. cos i'm so noob perhaps? nowait.. that thing such a waste of my time. they got my school, they got my graduation time (dec2009), then can't the system just auto defer my ns? walau eh... weird sia! grr.. then must make me waste time plus impose fine or jail term if i forget to do it. well.. since it's done, i guess nothing bothers me right now, except for the tutorials waiting for me to complete. which i will! after doing this post. hmm... i wanna get hsm 1 song album! cos i think the songs are really cool. heehee! ooh.. and some ppl may find me weird.. cos i only charge my hp/itouch only when the batt life is like dying.. hahaha. that's why i'm like leaving my itouch on now, but it's ready to be charged soon. hahahaha! retarded child. >.<
Temasek Junior College (TJC) VS Saint Andrews Junior College (SAJC)
Time: 1600
Venue: Temasek Junior College Field
Ticket Price: Free Admission :
hahahaha! so those who are free please come down and support tj walahaha! hmm... but it's okay to those who can't. anyway afterall some ppl will just go 'tj soccer nia' -.-" which is a total put off. but well.. it's okay. it's our hard work that counts! yay!! (: ooh.. speaking about tmrw, mrs ho (currently now away on course), my civics tutor imposed a rule that we cannot go outside of sch for lunch on wed before civics, cos we always come back super late, as though we don't care any crap about civics.. but then since now she's away, are we allowed to go out? hahahaha! that's interesting.. although i know we will still go out, but lets see what happens tmrw. heehee! oh and i printed the 4 photos which i intended to do so like some time back? well.. it's done and so i'm happier! hahahaha! alright i guess that i will end here now.........................................................

ROY at 7:44 PM

Monday, February 23, 2009

that is what makes it a pre-goodnight sleep! (: (i'm refering to the tabs at the bottom! hahaha) friendsfriendsfriends.. internetinternetinternet!

the flame has lighted up but no matter how hard i blow, it cannot extinguish?
there is a chance which i didn't think lightly of it?
the wrong move is executed and everything just go haywire?
the timing isn't right, but i just went ahead with what i want?
things don't work out in the end?

school's been pretty smooth today. 4 periods though haven't been wisely spent. but i guess it's okay? math test also wasn't up to expectations. i'm talking about my standard. ): nevertheless, i've adopted a new lifestyle. "Positive Thinking" hahaha! like what tiongwei's msn pm states, optimism is a christian trait. wow! (: school ended late, 5.30pm, as usual mondays..... so i quickly went to get changed and headed to the field. had to run the 5 laps in 8mins, but missed it by 10sec! haii... it's okay.. try harder next time i guess. hahaha! (: ooh today was different. cos the stand-in gp tutor came to take our class. that's becos our gp tutor mrs ho has gone on course. so this come-out-of-retirement-part-timer teacher came to takeover. though nothing happened cos we had to complete a compre. which i totally didn't complete lah! grrrr! okay lastly, i failed chem test badly! haii... super demoralising lah.. lack of practice? okayokay no excuses.. ): ooh.. and talentime results will be out tmrw! hahaha.. nope, i'm not putting high hopes but just being interested as to whether who has gotten into the finals.. hahahaha! physics SPA tmrw! >.< color="#ffff00">everyone lets all sing PRAISES to the Lord our God!
Hosanna in the highest!! ((:

ROY at 9:06 PM

Sunday, February 22, 2009

if listening to this song makes me think of you, i put it on repeat. (:

ROY at 7:29 PM

Saturday, February 21, 2009

tonight will be a busy one! but it's okay. cos i think we had fun this morning? hahaha!

ROY at 8:34 PM

Friday, February 20, 2009

today was a pretty good day in TJ! hardly u have such days, well for me. hahaha! it's TJ friendship day, so we are the lucky school-ers to be able to dress in home clothes.. though i think those who turned up in uni were still more in numbers. not important anyway. errs.. the "Transformers" as what our shirts show (sendy, alvin, mat and i) got the class heartie jellys. so yup! it was good. (: training wasn't too bad, though my legs were a heavy pair! not nice! missed dinner wif church ppl. )): crap lah.. left so so late. cannot rush. plus need to rush to alvin's house for some 'serious' but fun business! till then bye! i'm tired! the time stated is a lie! YAWNS! **

ROY at 11:59 PM

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

how maddening can today get? except for the sweet photos we took during civics today. ): this is such annoyance! i cannot believe it! tj = horror days for me! i really really cannot believe it! ohman.. this is so screwed.... ): firstly, it was chem test. i really studied.. oh perhaps i'm just dumb. i mixed up aldehydes and carboxylic acids! if i have been more focus i would have know how to do that question lah! wth... then civics, got scolded by mrs ho. almost sent the big group of us for detention. thank God she was nice. >.<
then i got benched for having long hair.. as in too long for the school's standard.. rubbish!
thankfully when all seemed bad, there's........

ROY at 9:26 PM

Sunday, February 15, 2009

church was really good today! (: i think i wrote down quite a bit to perhaps share wif some friends back in school. hahaha! went straight home after church, then sent mum to the airport. after which gonggong sent me to tamp where i met up wif mat to go to alvin's place to study! hmm.. i guess it was alright? managed to cover quite a bit on chem. there's a test cmg up this wed.. ): stress! >.< it's alright.. i guess i'll just have to take things step by step! gotta continue doing work. keeping today's short! :
where'd go?

ROY at 11:32 PM

Saturday, February 14, 2009

&& also the greatest love by far is God's love for all of us. Cheers! (:

anyway the real post starts here... hello boring saturday! : ohwell, that's what you get i guess.. blame the lousiness. grrr... maybe i should talk more about how i feel about tmrw! church church! yup. i'm feeling excited yes! hahaha! and probably going for youth service also, unless tonight i feel that i still have alot alot to do. but then again, i'm trying hard not to! i'll try my best to be free!! (: church soccer resumes, but i'm not too sure if i'm going. depending on my legs! the post road-run aches are cmg. though currently legs are just tired, but i'll nvr noe whether the aches will start cmg tmrw. hahahaha!

this coming week will be a busy one! cos there will be tests for almost all subjects! in fact, i think every has one! ): except maybe for my general paper lah.. walau.. i scared! ): motivation please someone! hmm... i wanna do as much work i can possible try to do! despite the distractions all around me! gogogo!

ROY at 7:44 PM

Friday, February 13, 2009

today was a short short day! ended school at 11.40am. earliest of everyweek. gp did an essay which i managed to complete in before the time is up. hahaha! yay! i didn't have any distraction. partly because i'm a good boy and that my cgmates are all very obedient! anyway i gave up little sweetie stuffs to my friends! hope everyone likes it! cheers! (: then after school was still in the midst of completing some undone cards so that i can give all at one shot. road run was today. i guess it was pretty fun running? yeah.. as you can see, leon oh congrats for being the champion! and my dear cgmate isaac fong, runner up! he has done our cg17/08 proud! woohoo!! i came in 25th position though. far from him. >.<>


ROY at 11:59 PM

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Trapped in this viscious cycle...

ROY at 9:33 PM

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


ROY at 9:50 PM

Monday, February 9, 2009




i didn't really enjoyed training today. firstly, i'm already unhappy that the fact my timetable on monday is so screwed up! 4 free periods in between of nowhere, but i've to end school at 5.30pm. as a result, i will miss the first half an hour or so of training.. taking into consideration, i've to change and stuffs. ): i won't go into detail of what happened during training lah.. but it just wasn't enjoyable and if this goes on, there's no such thing as improvement.......

ohwell.. i'm tired but i've no choice. tired but i've to carry on. tired but i cannot sleep yet. how come?

ROY at 9:33 PM

Sunday, February 8, 2009

church was awesome today! pastor gave me the answers which i've been pondering these days.. so yup! it was really cool.. God saves! i will remember! (: it's been a weird day u know. as in it's God's movement in action, like seriously! i remembered praying last night, that i will have the will to wake up real early today, cos i slept quite early last night. i've to start doing work! so i set my alarm clock at 7am, hoping i won't turn it off when it rings are continue my lalaland. and really, i didn't. instead i woke up at 6.48am! and automatically took out a set of clothes to bath and change in it. WONDERFUL! so i started doing what my teachers have gone through over the week, though not completed but the attempt was there. and i'm truely thankful for the strength i received today. magnificent! was early for service today! heehee! kkk i admit i've been late for service lately, at least by a few minutes! hahaha.. i consider myself late once i miss the handshakes with God's children(everyone!)!! so yup!

though i left straight after service to meet alvin and mat at simei for lunch. ate at 18 chefs. after that we went to long john to begin our journey of working! hahaha.. don't get me wrong, we aren't working at long john, but we're doing our schoolwork tgt there! consulting wif one another here and there. yup! hahahaha! i think we started at ant 3pm. and i ended at 7.30pm! though of cos not full 100% attention but i think i did well? yup! (:

have to continue doing work tonight. but there's a manchester united game tonight oso! yay! so probably try to concentrate and do as much till then! hahaha! a brand new week of school is starting tmrw! i shall take it on the positive note! yup!


ROY at 10:09 PM

Friday, February 6, 2009

hmm... and i just realised i don't look good in the shades chuwen lent me. opps. but well it's okay. not important, cos it's only for shielding my eyes from the UV rays from the sun! today's the last day of the 2009 jc 1's orientation. which means last day of helping out under the really really hot sun. that's why now i've got an uneven tan. grrr... it's so annoying! hahaha! it's like i've an imaginery shirt on me now. came home almost straight after the make up physics prac, which we just gotta set up the experiment and then get the first reading, take down the other readings provided, that's all.. pretty much slack huh? hahaha! errs.. then mum came to fetch me. came home, slept till 7plus.. was tired. as a result, i missed training which i really feel guilty. grrr.. luckily it's only land training. though i think it's impt. what to do?

anyway it's back to the books now. plus the new j1s are here, so the school won't be pretty much the same as the beginning of the year. more crowded at least.. ooh and there's this guy, who told chuwen i'm his primary school schoolmate, or rather senior. and wow! primary school and he still remembers. amazing.. must have been too naughty. : tomorrow's probably a busy day for me. with tuitions i guess? but well i'm sure i will go through it properly. then after that no plans yet, but should be having some i guess?

confused as to what to do next. not sure of which step to take next. angry with not seizing any opportunities. disappointed that they don't come often. ohwell..

if just looking makes it 100% good impression, then why not?

ROY at 8:10 PM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

today stations were all held in school. so don't have to travel out. was incharge of the feel the flour game. it was quite funny. especially when we had the fun of pressing the ogms faces right flat into the flour.. hmm... though alvin and i were good boys today. hahaha! we went for first period lesson, gp. then after that then we left for the little briefing. ooh and smth sweet happened today. YAY!
anyway, the weird uncle was super annoying! we freaking got permission from mr loh for using the hose to wash the area (next to the netball court), then he come and scold like free! and it was the first time alvin shouted lah.. hahahaha! super funny this part. the stupid uncle was like scolding in malay, then i said to him we were chinese. LOL.. and he understood and spoke in chinese. tat was went it pissed alvin off. cos that uncle wanted us to go see the om now.. which in the end sendy and audrey went tgt. and all their way, the stupid old uncle continued grumbling and sendy screamed at him! super loud and high lah the pictch!! hahaha.. but I LIKE! oh and after that was pdp exhibition. which was kinda boring. ): except for playing floorball wif isaac and volleyball wif alvin they all. hahaha!
waited for mat for SUPER long to end all his briefings and stuffs. then went to simei to eat 18chefs. it was quite good leh.. consider the fact i was super hungry! hahaha! anyway, i seriously have been an ultimate slacker this week! ): and have to make up for lost time next week. grrr... tmrw will be a long day for me! which means i've to probably resume lessons after station-mastering lah.. sian! i don't like! plus there's pe tmrw and i've used my group pe shirt today already! ohmy!! nvrmind i think can wear the singlet oso. aiya.. i hate pe sia! damn it!

ROY at 9:46 PM

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