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Child of God
3rd December 1991
17 going on 18
Yio Chu Kang Chapel Kindergarden
Maris Stella High School
Temasek Junior College
Chapel of The Holy Spirit


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009


Abigail Han
Carissa-Ann Fan
Chu Wen
Jina Chun
Leon Oh

Muhammad Bin Roslee
Phay Key
Tiong Wei


Aletico de Madrid
Cathay Photo PTE LTD
Manchester United
My youtube
TeeShop (GOGO!)

2009 Planner

Meet the Parkers
Class BBQ at my place
CNY School Celebration
Pot luck at P Gerald's
Start of orientation(J1s)
End of orientation(J1s)
Road Run
TJ Soccer Friendly
NS registration deadline
A-Levels Chinese(H1) Results
Man Utd VS Inter Milan
Start of MCTs
End of MCTs
A-Division Soccer (vs SAJC)
TJC Sports Day
A-Division Soccer (vs MI)
A-Division Soccer (vs HCI)
Water Baptism
A-Division Soccer (vs TPJC)
Pre-enlistment Medical Screening
NS Medical Review
Arsenal VS Man Utd
Church Soccer Friendly (vs COR)
TJ Choir Concert
CIP at National Library
Playmax final briefing
Start of Playmax
End of Playmax
Start of JCTs
End of JCTs
Class Steamboat
Confirmation Class
Church Confirmation Service


Thursday, April 30, 2009

listening to old songs can be sweet.
& i promised there's no outdated feeling in that!
certainly some songs represent someone/moments of the past,
hearing them makes me remember. (:
currently, i'm being reminded of my pri school days.
times where studying had to be instructed.
playing was my passion,
having fun was my purpose
and friends were my drive.
life's like a roller coaster ride, the loops are as usual the scariest!

weird stuffs have been going on.
i don't know what i did, but someone's angry.
& it feels so weird and all... because
i thought i did all i can, to be a good friend.
but i guess, it doesn't matter to when someone has tonnes of these.
but i guess it's okay.
i accept it. :

a swinging change to the last few weeks,
strange things just occurred.
& my aunty just said a friend told her there're 2 suspected/confirmed cases of swine flu in SINGAPORE!
& that's scary.
it's like the world's coming to an end soon, but people still don't wanna give up.
so will it?
nobody will know. with all the gossips circulating the world, it's hard to live sometimes.
remember the day on yahoonews, when there was a so called email scam?
saying that singapore will be hit by a tsunimi in the month of july?
well, to think of it, it's easier obviously, not to believe than to do so.
afterall the 'taken for granted assumptions'
-singapore's surrounded by other coutries...
-singapore's free from natural disasters...
-singapore's this, that everything!
of course i will pray nothing happens!
anyway swine flu's scary!
it's worst than avian flu.

fall for something seemingly out of reach.

ROY at 9:17 PM

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

To everyone around the world...
Take care wherever you are,
whatever you do,
whenever you can,
whichever ways to use
& whoever you want.
The swine flu virus is scary! ): people in mexico affected, hope this will be all over!
of course, it has spread to places in the US too. Grrr...
Life's always and uphill battle. Whoever thinks his/her life is full of bliss
&& without worries, please tell me. Because I really really wanna make friends with you!
Went to the orthopaedic this morning, but was a good boy and went back for school.
HAHAHA! That's becuse there was physics mock!
Errs... I won't tell what I did during mock! >.<
GP was the last period, and we had a silent lesson.
Nah... Not that we/the teacher are slackers but because we had to complete AQ.
It was awesomely boring to the max.
After that went opposite to eat and holala... Fun ending with Isaac.
Ran and then played basketball. Hmm... Wet day today though.
The school was attacked by swam of flying ants la!
Like seriously manifested with these flying small creatures!
Luckily none flew into my mouth/ears/nose/ass/wdv...

Oh! During physics prac was super funny. We ended our mock spa at like 1.40pm. and lesson suppose to end at 2.10pm.......
Audrey: left 5mins to bell ring only (obviously she knew she was lying!)
Mrs Tan (haloi): Ohreally? Then you all can go after i say finish.
LOL! So kabeer hero, told her the truth and so we all continued lesson, talking about quantum physics. hahahaha!
then during gp, the end of it...
isaac: what do you call a country that chops down tree?
roy: don't know, give up.
isaac: one republic featuring timberland
roy: -.-"
then opposite school.......
Chuwen: Roy can pigs fly
(pause for awhile)
*chuwen nothing to say... becos her answer super lame, she actually meant swine flu (flew). so yeah... my answer make sense too! :P*

Do I seem familiar? I've crossed you in hallways a thousand times.No more camoflauge, I wanna be exposed and not be afraid to fall.

ROY at 7:45 PM

Monday, April 27, 2009

LMAO-nified! I think the baby damn cute! Guess what songs is she listening to?
alright i'm not sure actually. so yeah... kidding.

have been a slacker today! really! ):
so tomorrow must make up hopefully! grrr...
Physics MOCK tmrw! :
100% sian-ness.
cannot stand it!
school today was pretty alright.
sendy and i joined the wrong pe group BUT...
there was a benefit!
we were dismissed 10mins earlier, and the other group...
i think about 10minutes after bell rang. sad...
lectures, tutorials, breaks!
He ended our day with this lame joke.
Well... It was funny nevertheless! (:

MANCHESTER UNITED 5 - 2 Totteham Hotspurs

ROY at 11:21 PM

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Lens rolling... 3...2...1...


Singapore Drivers... Why Scared? :P

Exiting the KPE

sexy van. vrooom...

stair-y housing block.

i call this the 'lego' building. the uno stacko.

Suntec exhibition hall.

my fave shot of the day!
he's angmoh! & has a cool bike!

Reduce carbon emission! lets go bikey green!

just one night here?

giant insect by the road!

(Just the street lamps!)

alvin sure laugh..
'at the crossroad once again..'


ROY at 11:45 PM

Friday, April 24, 2009

17/08's very own closet mugger in green! ALVIN LIM!

He thinks he's very cute tonight! :P Muhammad!

Today was a short academic day in school. Lessons were out by 11.40am! Hahaha! Ultimate slackish-ness too, compared to other fridays but I know these fridays are soon gonna be gone! ): whywhy? because there will be remedial spasms on fridays from next week! ohwait! next week labour day, so public holiday! following friday! Hmm... Went to nap in the library till 12.20pm, because school gate won't be opened till then. Went for second round of pull-up session with alvin. Damn lame! : Went to tamp one with audrey, help her see present for, *ahem! Hahaha! Went home slacked till like 6 plus, went back to school... MEGAHOUSE FUNCTION!
I guess it was pretty alright? Except some parts were really too noisy! Hahaha! Like totally unnecessary la. The gay dancers were funny and they had a funny ending too the night too. After they danced, they just gay around trying to attract as many people's attention. Lets see, they did their own pole dancing using the badminton pole thingy which is to hold the net? Haha! However, they somehow got into a tussel wif the TA3s. Super lame and funny! Victor's band was good and the dance was great! The part this used the M1's ad super funny la! nice!

people all looked different tonight.
they all dressed as though they were in the 60s.
AH! ...............

This is bad...
You cannot just change as and when you feel like...
BUT yeah,
I know it's difficult.
game over?

ROY at 11:58 PM

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

& when they say you will stand alone,
amidst things so different.
What's next then?

Know when to open and close. This is really very important, if not you will end up being a pee-brain asshole. Anyway school's been quiet today. Much of it at least. Was actually late but no punishment maybe because the rain saved my ass. LUCKY! Assembly was switched to the hall, and from what I see, only the J2s were involved. Hair check today, another lucky escape! Errs... Not that I agree that my hair is long whatsoever, but shit happens in TJC. No surprise. break =" Eating"

ROY at 8:02 PM

Monday, April 20, 2009

You might think I don't look
But deep inside
The corner of my mind
I'm attached to you
I'm weak
It's true

black eyes glittering
tears filled saddening.
may i shed a tear to feel better?

ROY at 11:45 PM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

eh what what?
anyway sendy invited us to his cousin's bbq... lol!
no la not weird. we went last year before!
hmm... seafood bbq as usual.
damn shiok!
crayfish, giant prawns (LOL... won't cost $300+)
they not newton scammers! lmao!
then otah spammed!
plus chicken wings and scallops! yumyum much!
drinks were healthy ones. errs.. green tea and crys tea.
well... did some math before that.
church was good too! (:
last baptism lesson today! yup! haha!
got the photos of resurrection sunday too! cool stuffs.
thanksthanks! (:

going off now...
wanna concentrate on manutd vs everton!
manu's gonna whoop asses!

ROY at 11:34 PM

Friday, April 17, 2009

I just cannot move.
Sorry, I've let people down. ):

when you feel you're left alone,
scream till your voice breaks apart.
shower with cold water,
freeze your soul.
when you feel lost,
and the compass won't help.
climb up the highest building,
inhale the fresh-est dirty air.
when you're stranded,
stay rooted, raise your arms aloof,
wave frantically till you are tired dead.

ROY at 10:48 PM

Thursday, April 16, 2009

People say you cannot move on if you cannot let go of the past.
Is that really true?
My little puzzled mind... Well, spend time to sort things out perhaps. :

ROY at 9:47 PM

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Fedrico Macheda & the well known Cristiano Ronaldo! (:
Well... You see... Macheda netted two winners each in 2 games.
First against Aston Villa and second against Sunderland.
So it's 2 goals in 2 matches for him now! WHEE!
He reminds me of the great Ole Gunnar Solskjaer!

I guess school was arlght today. Soccer NATS officially over. TJ lost 2nil to TPJC yesterday which halt our progress into the quarter finals. Well... I'm still happy with TJ soccer team! really! Like we totally improved our standards and were unlucky. : but it's okay, i guess i will take away fond memories i had! the 15 rounds around the field. the latic acid. the laughter and jokes! hahaha! great. now I'll just take a little break I guess? Hmm... && at the same time wishing all other PDPs all the best in their season. Errs... I'm not sure which are the sports but basically the ball games! Boys&Girls! Basketball! Netball! Soccer (girls)! Table Tennis! Tennis! Squash! Bowling! Touch Rugby! ooh and Track&Field! Congrats to Isaac who made it to 800m Finals! hahaha! running boy.
today physics prac was an ultimate slack-dom. we had it in this small room in between two physics labs. hahaha! mrs (hello/helloi)kitty tan was as usual funny. we had to take this survey and there was this question which goes like this.. something about what he/she (referring to the teacher) has to stop doing. then our class went 'HALOI HALOI!' hahaha! super funny! but actually we don't really mean she should stop cos that's our form of entertainment during physics. HAHAHA! not that we're meanies but to laugh at our teacher, but it's true la.. she's funny in a good way! hmm... anyway i had to go for the chem card thingy. and obviously didn't and wouldn't win! though i made it to the semis. super funny la. ohwait! & i got sabotaged by my dear 17/08 okay! kar yong was sabo-ed too! hahaha.. by his class la. duh! anyway i'm feeling tired now, even before doing any work. but it's okay! i'm still breaking from school related stuffs. (:

ROY at 7:59 PM

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Why is it that I'm feeling something which I'm not suppose to be feeling?
Why is it that I tend to think too much/deep into certain issues?
Why is it that I always fail to think slightly more positively?
Why is it that when all seems alright, I've doubts?

i will continue later perhaps... ?

ROY at 1:23 PM

Friday, April 10, 2009

& when the world becomes so dangerous. should we just hide in there and refusing to face reality? or rather should we just come out of our nutshell and face it, fight it? think...

stayed home the morning, actually the early afternoon because i woke up quite late today. did some chemistry. hmm... then left for minimax. hahaha! kinda cool cos we're taught to play host on playmax. what we need to do now is to make sure we're sure of what to do then and of course get our friends to come down on that day. (: so yeah... whole think ended about 7.10pm, headed for city hall after... met kevin, troy and amanda. yup! it's been a long time since meeting them. especially troy! hahaha! his hair's just longer but he's pretty much the same, like seriously! i can tell he's troy when i saw him. >.<>

can friends be classified? YES!
Friends which you know them and they know you. It's that SIMPLE!
Friends which you 'hi-bye' to them. It's that NORMAL!
Friends which you spend a meal with It's just FUN!
Friends which you talk on the phone to. It's just GOSSIPING!
Friends which you share your life with, It's that INTERESTING!
Friends which you tell your secrets to. It's super GOOD!
Friends which you spend most of the time with! It's the BEST!

when you know you're losing more than you gain, are you a loser?
if yes, then why are people trying to slim down?
so NO to anorexic!

ROY at 11:59 PM

Thursday, April 9, 2009


pw results were out today!
tears, joy, fun & laughter,
i've seem them all.
what's new? :
two classes have all got 100% As.
awesome, cool, plus both have the same pw teacher...
my class? well...
majority got Bs
I think only about 6 people got A.
Congrats by the way!
out of the 6, 2 of them come from my group.
while chuwen, cheng and i got a B.
i think it's hilarious! awesomely cool! and bitchheaded...
anyway, forward movement, think positive!
i end school there.

hwa chong institution 0 temasek junior college 0
yup.. this is the score for today's game.
tjc got chance to enter quarters if we beat tpjc on monday!
gogogogogo! started the game, played badly though.
perhaps i only had like 10seconds of brightness.
& that's when my corner hit the crossbar.
L O L -.-"
stayed back to watch the game between sajc and tpjc
sajc emerged as victors. 0-1 the scoreline.

sometimes when you hear something,
& you are unsure whether to believe it,
what should you do?
when you feel people are just being so irritating
but you don't want to confront them,
are you being smart? or you have no balls?
i think it's so retarded when you know you have obviously moved on,
but people around you still talk about it and make you sound as if you haven't.
no names mentioned...

ROY at 9:45 PM

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Uniqlo is here in singapore! (: this shop is good. as in the one in hongkong was really good. hahaha! it's a japanese shop, but relax not selling jap clothes la.. as in the traditional jap costumes. it's something like topshop/topman? yup! and the clothes should be cheaper than topshop/topmen. in hongkong (hopefully in singapore too), it has the altering service and all, which can get it for free! yeah! hahaha.. it's really cool. and you can collect it like in an hour's time or so. hmm... so hopefully the one opening in singapore at tampines 1 will be the same, if not better! (: 9th april is the official opening of tampines 1. will definitely go there, perhaps not on the opening week, cos i'm pretty sure it will be packed wif people.

school was a bore today! : like seriously! first two lessons were tutorials. so it wasn't that bad. but the lectures were a bore. grrr... physics was like sleepyhead shit! then went to library duing free period. to 'watch' the vegetarian video.. but like all of us fell asleep and it was seriously shiok stuffs! hahaha.. it was really comfortable on the sofa and darker than the outside.. audrey, alvin, sendy, muhammad, lenny and i just doze off lah.. hahaha.. econs was mega boredom stuff. went through two questions of mcts but didn't get to see our paper cos teacher nvr bring or smth la.. then it was just yawning and all...... no fun at all. physics spa was shit. totally underestimated it and got owned... LOL! but well, it's oooooover and no point broading. get on!

feeling tired today, so came home, took about an hour's nap, but i know it's no use. ): well.. tmrw's a shorter day but there's training. light one i suppose. cos there's a match on thurs. we got our season on the way and i really really really hope to be able to play my part and go on to the next round! though it's gonna be a mental, physical and technical challenge for tjc soccer team! but i believe we can do it. we're improving!! and hopefully all our hard work will pay off. (: anyway to the rest of the pdps in tjc, especially to my friendssss... all the best for your season! perhaps i will try support whichever pdp if i can. (:

ROY at 7:56 PM

Monday, April 6, 2009

i think these two people look alike... are they brothers?

today was a pretty pleasant day.
pe was good because i get to play soccer wif victor, kai sven, dweuw and eric.
so i didn't have to do those stupid runs.
however, i know i can't escape it in the future...
the toilet was good too!
hahahaha! cos when i went to the toilet at lvl2 to bath,
nobody already. plus got alot of time to wash up.
2 lectures after that, then free period.
free period till 11.40am & that's when i'm dismiss.
soccer game was on, though the sky was cloudy.
was clear and the game against MI got on the way.
didn't start. but managed to get the last 20mins.
didn't play well, but we got the win.
((: ((: ((:
iqbal the scorer in the first half. header.
we must prepare for next crucial two matches ahead!
GRRR... TEAM TJC (soccer) challenge on!

The magnetic flux through a plane surface is the product of the flux density normal to the surface and the area of the surface.

Faraday's Law states that the induced e.m.f. in a circuit is directly proportional to the rate of change of flux-linkage or to the rate of cutting of magnetic flux.

Lenz's Law states that the direction of the induced e.m.f. is such that it tends to oppose the flux change causing it, and does oppose it if induced current flows.

hahahahaha!! i understand...
you probably don't.
but i know your computer/laptop is a serious distraction right?
and blog hopping adds on to it.
so at the end of this, at least u read up on physics...

ROY at 8:23 PM

Sunday, April 5, 2009

heard some disgusting news or rather past lately..
&& the person involved was a total ownage but sicko max!
he is pretty much older than i am, but yah..
anyway the weekend is soon gonna be over. 3hours 20minutes.
school's starting, brand new week. well...
there will be a soccer match tmrw, against MI if i'm not wrong.
church soccer today was cancelled due to the heavy downpour.
it may well be a blessing in disguise, provided i get to play tmrw.
some many uncertainties in life, but just gotta live on,
fight on, not dwell on.
i'm satisfied because i just packed the super annoying mess on my study table.
but then i've yet to dinner so soon..

church today was pretty good. though it was a short time there. but i guess i did enjoy it. (:
praise God! (:

when the glitter of her eyes meets his smile. sweet.

ROY at 8:40 PM

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

&& tmrw's the start of soccer nationals!
first game against SAJC but venue is at TPJC.
hmm... but i won't be fit to feature in any part of the game lah...
still injured but I guess by friday i will be able to run!
today was a rather interesting day in school...
1. super hot morning assembly
the sun was superhero lah i tell you! blazing like mad! even got lenny and alvin infront of me also no use.. omgosh sia! damn hot!
2. the two lectures before lunch break
chem and math, both oso i managed to stay awake while those two beside me were just trying their very best to keep their eyes open. but they quite funny! hahaha!
3. civics was hilarious & lame
mrs ho shared her so called experience wif us, while today arkah and kaizen were subjected to some teasing, but friendly ones lah. hahaha.. except maybe for arkah. LOL! :P
4. contact time talk
that speaker was good and funny at the same time. pretty much stuffs to take away from this contact time i guess? hmm.. teaching us about interviews and etc.
5. training, though i didn't join in
team mates were doing pretty well today. (: i think charles was good at the corner of the goal post. marcus was good in positioning and certainly his bravery for challenging every ball. hahaha! all the best guys for tmrw's game! ((:
6. going home was sweet. (:

but now i've to resume my revision for tmrw's chem SPA which will be during my first two periods! i hate the thought of having to wear the goggles lah.. walau! plus the smell of whatever reagents and products is super smelly, usually. ): but no choice. hopefully these two periods will just go by asap! THEN I WILL LOOK FORWARD TO SUPPORTING THE GUYS FOR DURING THE GAME! YAY!
glory to GOD, lets all sing His praises! ((:

ROY at 11:00 PM

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