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Child of God
3rd December 1991
17 going on 18
Yio Chu Kang Chapel Kindergarden
Maris Stella High School
Temasek Junior College
Chapel of The Holy Spirit


January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009


Abigail Han
Carissa-Ann Fan
Chu Wen
Jina Chun
Leon Oh

Muhammad Bin Roslee
Phay Key
Tiong Wei


Aletico de Madrid
Cathay Photo PTE LTD
Manchester United
My youtube
TeeShop (GOGO!)

2009 Planner

Meet the Parkers
Class BBQ at my place
CNY School Celebration
Pot luck at P Gerald's
Start of orientation(J1s)
End of orientation(J1s)
Road Run
TJ Soccer Friendly
NS registration deadline
A-Levels Chinese(H1) Results
Man Utd VS Inter Milan
Start of MCTs
End of MCTs
A-Division Soccer (vs SAJC)
TJC Sports Day
A-Division Soccer (vs MI)
A-Division Soccer (vs HCI)
Water Baptism
A-Division Soccer (vs TPJC)
Pre-enlistment Medical Screening
NS Medical Review
Arsenal VS Man Utd
Church Soccer Friendly (vs COR)
TJ Choir Concert
CIP at National Library
Playmax final briefing
Start of Playmax
End of Playmax
Start of JCTs
End of JCTs
Class Steamboat
Confirmation Class
Church Confirmation Service


Sunday, August 16, 2009

MOVED ------>

ROY at 11:15 PM

Monday, August 10, 2009

Light of the World
You stepped down into darkness
Opened my eyes
Let me see
Beauty that made
This heart adore You
Hope of a life
Spent with You

Here I am to worship
Here I am to bow down
Here I am to say that You're my God
You're altogether lovely
Altogether worthy
Altogether wonderful to me

King of all days
Oh, so highly exalted
Glorious in Heaven above
Humbly You came
To the earth You created
All for love's sake became poor


I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross
I'll never know how much it cost
To see my sin upon that cross

Chorus X2

This is the song for me this long weekend. How fast time flies. & tmrw school will resume. Hmm... Good/bad I wouldn't know and don't have to I guess. As long as at the end of the day, I think I've achieved something, then perhaps it's still a good day afterall. && If i feel as though nothing is happening, it's easy to switch things around because He's alive! (: I'm still getting annoyed wif blogger on my laptop. Upload pictures function, font function, etc are not working at all!! All that is working is editing the post date and time. WOW! :\

Met nic, kevin and terry just now. It's been a long long time! hahaha.. & obviously we catch up with one another and then share the past. APSC times. (: Yup I do remember sweet stuffs la. Wif all the others around! But where'd you all go? ............

Just last night I was just thinking about last time. Errs... Like primary/sec sch days. Was a little 'sad' but not like I'm emo or what.. Just wondering why time pass so fast! Hmm.. Then somehow or another, I started thinking about my Sunday School time. Some songs which I can still remember just started playing through my mind, I smiled! Which was like washing away the dark clouds I had just moments ago. THANK the Lord! (:

ROY at 11:10 PM

Sunday, August 9, 2009

The speaker at church today was good! He managed to speak through his experiences and his family's to tell us that God has a purpose in us. That's why we are all called by our names. There's a purpose, a calling and something which He wants to create through our lives. Regardless of whether it is significant or magnificent, we should all just wait patiently and diligently. For nothing can compare to His love for us, what's the love we have for others count as? Nevertheless we should always try to show love to our neighbours. It's difficult, but the effort is all worth the try! Hahaha! Service ended 45minutes later then usual. OH! But I guess it was a pretty engaging one so it's good. Of course it's been a few weeks since Rev Michael Teh has gone up to preach, so I'll be anticipating for that soon! (:

I'm gonna be busy tonight I guess. ): Hopefully tmrw will be a good day. Meanwhile HAPPY NATIONAL DAY to all Singaporeans. && strange as it is, I'm looking forward to school this week. Don't ask me why, I cannot answer that. (:

ROY at 5:02 PM

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Worthy is the name of my Father Lord,
Who came to earth to cleanse our faults.
Through Him we seeked wisdom, courage then application,
By faith we speak to Him through praying conversations.
Let Him enter into our lives each day,
For without Him there's a price to pay.

Learning and obeying in His word,
Is my only way to Him forward.
Praising and worshiping, my spirit sings,
His holy presence lies within.
Oh Jesus Jesus how majestic,
For me to know You is simply fantastic!

ROY at 11:40 PM

Friday, August 7, 2009

I've problems uploading photos and changing the font of my words on blogger. & it's getting super annoying! Something's wrong with this and also my facebook is facing some problems! Super lag and the facebook logo at the top of the page doesn't appear? I got to just click at blank areas to navigate. Annoying!

Today was a good day I guess. Started off the day meeting the 'friday' group in the morning. Slightly earlier today, at 6.50am. Quite a good number of people came, which was great. Because it was national day celebration today, and many could have chose to just remain at home and do something more productive or sleep longer wdv. Hahaha!

National day celebration was pretty alright I guess, except that TJ really go overly-high during celebrations in the hall. But I was actually thinking if all these people can do the same at church. Okay that aside, before the celebrations in the hall, was civic in the class room. Where we had 'some' fun presenting our art piece. Basically Mrs Ho separated the 14 of us who came, into 4 groups and then we had to draw something on the board to show what we feel about Singapore or what Singapore means to us. & it was a funny engaging session I thought. Mrs Loke (Principal) also came in towards the end to just join in. Was quite weird actually. Hmm... Oh celebrations ended like 10.38am and I had to go attend Mrs Chang's remedial lesson. ): It was a pretty long one for just going through ONE essay question. Hahaha! But well it was soon over... Then I met up with Eewen to go meet Abigail and Angela for lunch at city hall. Chit chatted quite abit and most were useful and revelant stuffs. Hahaha! Ate at TeaHouse Asian Kitchen or smth la. Hmm...

After that Eewen and I made our way to my place for a session of sharing. With Tiong Wei, Angelina, Xiu Hui, Beatrice and Alvin joining us too! && was really encouraged that Beatrice came! (: Because she actually knows she was not from 1708 but the rest came, but she still made a trip down! YAY!! Praise the Lord. Sharing from Eewen to kick-start it then a movie "FlyWheel". It got me worried at the start because it was pretty draggy. Hahaha! I was worried that they may feel bored mah.. Well.. Thanks to the Lord once again, it was a good movie in the end and really relate to the 'theme' of our gathering, 'Change'. Got this theme from youth service just that Sunday. (: & I think it's amazing how God didn't allow my harddisk to work on the player because I actually intended to screen "Facing the Giants" which I guess it's more of a motivational movie! (: So at least we watched a really revalent movie. Cheer!
After that Tiong Wei shared his piece and made it really engaging for us.

Okay I think I'll end here because I feel handicapped blogging without photos! HAHAHA! Well.. Because they prompt me to type more la. Grrr... I hope my internet issues will be fixed like SOON!!

ROY at 11:59 PM

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